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Part of our proceeds from this event will go into supporting the cause of empowering females as agents of change in India initiated by the World Vision. Join us in supporting this cause to educate and power women.


As a child-focused organization, World Vision is concerned about the development and the well-being of children. World Vision’s Female Empowerment Project in Faridkot, India, is committed to empowering and educating adolescent girls. 


Project Goals

To empower and educate adolescent girls to be agents of change in their own community so that they can effect sustainable changes in the long run.


Key Challenges

- Girls have unequal educational and economic opportunities as boys

- Females face domestic violence

- Female foeticide and infanticide are common

- Almost half of all women aged 20-24 are married by the age of 18


World Vision’s Key Initiatives:

• Empower adolescent girls to be agents of change by leading their peers and influencing other in the community for a transformation in attitude and behaviour.

• Develop the knowledge and confidence of young girls through training programmes, including leadership skills and career guidance, to enable them to make the right choices.

• Raise community awareness on the rights of girls through advocacy campaigns.

• Promote men’s equitable involvement as caregivers in the lives of their partners and children.


How you can help?

World Vision aims to transform the lives of adolescent girls in Punjab, India. The girls of Faridkot need your help and support! Thank you for walking this journey of faith and transformation with them and World Vision.


For more information, you may visit or contribute to

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