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Understanding consumer behaviour to implement more effective sales and marketing strategies




Consumer behaviour is the psychology of marketing that studies the way people purchase, use, evaluate and dispose services and products. Understanding consumer behaviour helps one determine why consumers choose a particular product or service over others. Consumers seek and purchase products to attain maximum satisfaction. Needs and wants exist if a customer is dissatisfied. Through the study of consumer behaviour, we will be able to understand our consumers better, and thus be able to implement more effective marketing and sales strategies, targeting each consumer more effectively. When the marketing strategies and consumer behaviour are aligned, one can expect success in their sales and higher profit margins in the market place.

This workshop comprises group discussions, role plays, sharing, critique and review. It is designed to help participants understand consumer behaviour so as to be able to develop and implement more effective sales and marketing strategies.


Learning Outcomes


  • Conducting primary and secondary research to analyse your consumers more accurately.

  • Understanding the values affecting consumer choices that have a significant impact on the products and services consumers seek and purchase.

  • Aligning the brand message and identity with consumers’ values to increase the chances of a sale.

  • Developing marketing strategies based on consumers demographic information through market segmentation.

  • Predicting purchasing habits of consumers to price items strategically.

  • Developing attractive high-value packages to excite clients to purchase impulsively.

  • Formulating effective price mechanism and strategy to close bigger deals.


Course duration: 2 days


Target audience: Sales professionals, marketing professionals, business development professionals, business owners/entrepreneurs​


2-day workshop


$408 (Claimable for SkillsFuture Credits)


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