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Developing effective sales proposals for clients to increase opportunities for sales closure





Sales professionals often face rejections from clients after the submission of their sales proposals. One of the key reasons is the lack of understanding of the clients’ challenges, needs and wants. Sales professionals also tend to re-use standardised sales a proposal that are not customised, or tend to hard-sell certain products or services that clients do not see value of. Thus, this would lengthen the sales cycle or reduce the opportunities of a sales closure. It is imperative to apply effective sales techniques to understand clients’ situation, needs and challenges in order to propose the most relevant yet a high-value solution to them. Knowing how to draft an attractive business proposal with the clients’ needs and solution’s benefits in mind, can then help increase acceptance rates from clients and avoid massive bargaining.


This workshop comprises of group discussions, role plays, sharing, critique and review. It is designed to help participants understand how to develop effective sales proposals for clients to increase opportunities for sales closure.


Learning Outcomes


  • Identifying challenges in developing effective sales proposals and how to overcome them.

  • Defining feature- vs benefit-driven selling approaches and how to reflect key features and benefits in the proposals.

  • Applying effective questioning and pitching techniques to convince clients to close the deal.

  • Generating effective price mechanism and strategy to close bigger deals.

  • Implementing bundle-selling, cross-selling, and upselling strategies to obtain higher-value deals.

  • Applying effective writing skills to develop convincing sales proposals to increase sales closure.



Target audience: Sales professionals, marketing professionals, business development professionals, business owners/entrepreneurs


Course duration: 2 days


Fee: $408 (SkillsFuture Credits Claimable) 


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