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Easy-to-bake Teething Biscotti for Babies - Recipe for Busy Mums

Those of you with children probably have tried feeding your child with teething biscuits bought off the shelf from supermarkets.

Much of what was on the market was a little over-priced and had ingredients such as salt, sugary, dairy milk, raising agents, flavoring or even coloring, which I don't wish to expose my 1-year old with at this stage. Next alternative, DIY.

So I decided to experiment with baking my very own natural biscotti that only requires 4 main ingredients: oat, banana, milk, olive oil. It's so easy to make, it's great for busy mums.

Here's the recipe for about 20 pieces of biscottis:


- 2 cup oats (dry)

- 2 small bananas or 1 medium banana

- 2 tablespoon olive oil or coconut oil

- 60 ml milk (baby's milk or skimmed milk)

Optional (extra flavour)

- 1 teaspoon - vanilla extract

- 1/8 teaspoon - cinnamon

- 1 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder


1. Pre-heat oven to 175 Degree Celsius. Prepare a baking tray with parchment paper.

2. Blend the oats into very fine powder with a blender.

3. Add the bananas and olive or coconut oil (or any of the optional items if you'd like) to the blender and blend till well-mixed.

4. Add milk (I used my baby's daily drinking milk) and blend together until mixture comes together in a dough. When you squeeze with your hands, they are like a sticky dough.

5. Divide the dough into elongated sections and lay them on the baking tray. Flatten each piece with your palm and shape them into elongated biscuits so that your baby can hold them easily. Round the edges.

6. Place evenly on the baking sheet so that none are touching each other. Bake at 175 Degree Celsius for 10 mins till the edges are golden and the centers are set but not too crunchy.

7. Allow to cool completely. Store in an airtight container at room temperature or in the refrigerator to store for a longer time.

Below are some pictures of the entire process:

Blending the oats.

Adding in the rest of the ingredients and blending together till it forms a dough.

Sectioning, flattening and shaping the dough.

Baking in the oven.

Voila! Here's your all-natural tasty teething biscottis for your little ones! It's supposed to be soft so that it's easy for your baby to chew, not hard and crunchy. I chose to bake without the optional ingredients, but it's up to you if your baby prefers it to be more flavorful.

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Written by Renee Tan, Founder & MD of Rendeur, H.E.R Entrepreneur. Renee inspires, educate and empower aspiring women entrepreneurs, besides educating corporate professionals in excelling in functional skill sets such as sales, marketing, customer service, exhibition strategies and communication skills. She is also a mental wellness coach and have been conducting sessions for corporate organisations on stress management.

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