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Leading Female Entrepreneurship & Empowerment Group Announces South East Asia Expansion

Leading Female Entrepreneurship & Empowerment Group Announces South East Asia Expansion

(Picture taken at The Co. Singapore)

H.E.R Entrepreneur / Rendeur which aims to inspire and train the next generation of female entrepreneurs announces the opening of its Singapore and Malaysian office at The Co. this 2018, a community-centric shared workspace.

Rendeur was officially incorporated in 2016 to uplift & realise the visions of businesses and individuals through its customised learning and development programs and Skillsfuture accredited courses to upskill working professionals and entrepreneurs. It was founded by Renee Tan, the Managing Director of Rendeur, who has trained, coached and consulted for various companies from different industry sectors such as private institutions, telecommunications, airlines, logistics, adult education, technology, retailers, etc as well and individual entrepreneurs.

Their specialised workshops are in the areas of sales, marketing, communication, customer service, leadership, exhibition strategies, entrepreneurship, etc.

Through Renee's journey of conducting a Skillsfuture course on the "Steps to Starting a New Business", which is their most popular Skillsfuture course, she noticed a trend. Most of her attendees happened to be women who attended the course, but most would have the inertia to start a business. Many citing several reasons such as family commitment, fear of failure, or they would rely on their husband to start the business. Due to their self-limiting beliefs, many did not execute starting a business. Upon research, it has revealed that women in a developed region are neither incentivised by government funding nor capital but encouraged by social capital and a supportive community of like-minded individuals with similar background to get them started on entrepreneurship.

To address this gap, Renee launched H.E.R Entrepreneur to inspire, educate, and empower women entrepreneurs who are transitioning in their career or in starting a family. H.E.R Entrepreneur provides content, community gatherings and the yearly H.E.R Asia Summit which brings together successful entrepreneurs, leaders and investors to share insights on business, leadership, capital raising innovation and technology. This is where partnerships are forged, networks are formed, and attendees are educated. The Summit covers 3 key elements, namely entrepreneurship, leadership and relationship which was shared by the esteemed speakers. Part of her proceeds from the 2017's event was donated to empower girls as agents of change.

"We are excited to announce our moving of the office to The Co. Duxton, which is at the heart of a vibrant city and a cultured neighbourhood. It was very important that we found a co-working space that shared our values around gender diversity and supporting growing businesses. We are enchanted by the friendliness of the community and we look forward to possible opportunities to serve The Co.'s community in Singapore and Malaysia." - Renee Tan, Founder, Managing Director, Rendeur, H.E.R Entrepreneur

Join her and other successful entrepreneurs on the 26 Sept 2018 for the upcoming H.E.R Asia Summit. Register Now!

The Co. is one of Southeast Asia’s fastest growing entrepreneurial communities, it’s also a premium work experience that uniquely weaves life and business together through an inspired sense of adventure and purpose. Everything we do orientates you towards a successful business adventure. Whether it is connecting you to the best of the neighbourhood, making sure you are in good company or providing quality, design focused facilities, we are committed to your world working well so that you can get get on with your walk.

Rendeur realises the visions of businesses and individuals through its customised learning and development programs and Skillsfuture accredited courses to upskill working professionals and entrepreneurs.

Rendeur provides a myriad of courses specialising in sales, marketing, communication, customer service, leadership, to exhibition strategies and entrepreneurship amongst many others. Contact Rendeur for your learning & development needs.

H.E.R Entrepreneur aims to harness the power of women in entrepreneurship, leadership and relationship through platforms to inspire, educate and empower women entrepreneurs who are transitioning in the career or in starting a family. It connects entrepreneurs, leaders and investors together through the yearly H.E.R Asia Summit. Join the H.E.R Asia Summit this 26 September 2018, register now!

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