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How Women Entrepreneurs Cope with Little Time

For women entrepreneurs or aspiring entrepreneurs who are transitioning to start a family or has started one finds it rather daunting when they have to start planning for their milestones.

It seems that one cannot simply decide on dates way ahead without sparing a thought for their family, such as whether your child needs you around, when you are planning to have a kid by a certain time, or when you need to be a caregiver to your parents or parents-in-law, etc.

These are the responsibilities that are expected of us to take on a little more if we have the flexibility with time as an entrepreneur. Flexibility doesn't mean being more free. A misconception some people might have about flexible working hours.

In fact, we would learn how to multi-task better in the day so that we could work during office hours while watching over our kid. And if we needed to head out for a meeting, we would want it to productive and goal-oriented, so that we could return home quickly. We would also learn how to build and manage relationships with the people around us better, especially our parents or family to maintain peace and harmony within the family.

We end up staying real late through the night after our family is fast asleep as we needed some quiet and peace to focus on planning and strategising for our business. We could well end up spending more than 8 hours a day working.

Dark eye bags will no doubt start appearing, but it's all worth it if we see our business come to fruition and we are able to supplement the household with our own income. It's all about prioritisation of tasks at the right time, proper planning and keeping focused.

Here's a template of a milestone chart which you can utilise to help you plan your week/year ahead! (This is an overview, for a more detailed analysis, you may also input your specific details on excel & revisit them.)

You may input your goals, activities, travel, events, family plans, etc in your planner so that you have an overview of how your year will be like in 2018. Review your milestones regularly and determine if you have executed them well and readjust your plans accordingly to meet your targets.

To be inspired, educated and empowered, learn from successful entrepreneurs on the 26 Sept 2018 at the H.E.R Asia Summit 2018.

H.E.R Harnesses the power of women in Entrepreneurship, Leadership and Relationship. We look forward to meeting you!

Register before 31 Dec 2017 to enjoy 30% off with promo code BJAN30!


Written by Renee Tan, Founder & MD of Rendeur, H.E.R Entrepreneur. Renee inspires, educate and empower aspiring women entrepreneurs, besides educating corporate professionals in excelling in functional skill sets such as sales, marketing, customer service, exhibition strategies and communication skills.


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